Competitours – Day 2

Day 2 started with an hour bus ride to a ferry where the bus itself boarded the ferry for the hour ride to the island of Samsø. The activity for the morning was at the Samsø Labyrinth. This is in the Guiness Book of World Records as being the largest Labyrinth in the World. The place is in the woods of a Christmas Tree farm an area of which covers more than 5 soccer fields! Within this area there were 7 stations that each team had to find. Oh and we had to do this WITHOUT A MAP!!!!! Yet another insane challenge, and something the labyrinth owners had never done for a group before. Steve strikes again. We had about 2 hours to find all 7. We were able to somehow find all 7 with about 20 minutes to spare. We were the fourth team to arrive back at the start having found all 7 (if I didn’t mention before there are 12 teams competing in this tour). Once all the teams returned at the appointed time we had a vegetarian lunch (something that was all produced locally!).

After lunch the teams were split due to another sneaky Steve move. (Yesterday Steve told each team to pick a team member to do a trivia challenge. He then, of course told us after each team submitted their pick, that that person WOULD NOT be the one doing the trivia challenge, that would be the other person!) Maribeth then had to do the trivia challenge which was again going through the labryinth answering questions along the way and based on their answers were told a direction to go. They had to get 9 correct letters. Apparently this was very difficult and the team of three Maribeth was grouped with were only able to get 4 letters. They then all came to meet with the rest of us who were bussed to another challenge.

So the rest of us were taken to Samsø Downhill where we did 2 challenges in Zorbs at the only Zorb location in Denmark. We had get into these huge inflatable balls and make the ball roll acting like a hamster in a wheel. It was crazy hot in them and the slalom course we had to navigate was challenging. And on top of all of that they were timed races. Kelsey did a great job on her runs!

The last part was just for fun. We each took a Zorb run strapped inside a Zorb rolling quickly down a hill! It only lasted about a minute but it was rediculously fun!! Click on the link below to see the video of Maribeth and Kelsey rolling down the hill in a Zorb.


After that it was back on the bus for a trip to the next ferry. This ferry took us across the bay to where we hopped on the train to take us to our next destination which is Copenhagen, Denmark. Tomorrow is already looking like its going to be another crazy challenge day based on the teasers Steve gave to us!